Cheat The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Hints, Secrets + Download Walktrough


The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheat Codes For PC Game Only !
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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheat Codes

Console menu functions

While in the game, hit the tilde key [~] at any time to bring up the console. With the console open, there are multiple commands that can be used, some that require targeting by selecting an object with the mouse while the console is open.
Click any human or creature, type "kill"Instant kills
Click a locked door or chest, type "unlock"Unlocks target object
Without targeting, type "tgm"God Mode
tfhToggle Full Help
player.additem 0000000F 'XXX'Adds the desired amount of gold. Replace the 'XXX' with the amount wanted.
player.AddItem 00000000 #gives you # of item 00000000 (use other hex combinations for items)
player.AddSpell 00000000gives you spell 00000000 (use other hex combinations for spells)
modpcs skill 100adds 100 points to the skill
modpca luck 100adds 100 pointsto an attribute (here luck)
player.setlevel 1Changes player level to desired number. Use 1-255
advlevelforces a level up with the levelup screen.
advskill skill #Forces a skill level up of # levels, example: advskill blade 4
showclassmenuAllows you to change your class
ShowbirthsignmenuAllows you to change your birthsign
movetoqtTeleports you to your quest target (for lazy bums) makes the game ALOT shorter >:)
qqqexit game without using menus
tcaiToggle combat ai, "sitting ducks" springs to mind
tfc"ufo cam", freeflyng camera
caqsCompletes all quest stages
ShowSubtitleToggles NPC conversation subtitles
psbAdd all spells to player
SexChangeChanges your gender
TCLToggles collision ( noclip anyone?:), you go in the direction your facing, up/down/etc )
TDTToggle debug display (FPS etc)
TMToggles hiding of all menus (for taking screenshots)
SSGCreates a window with the full game scene graph
TDETECTToggle AI detection
TLLToggle land LOD
TSToggle sky
TLVToggle leaves
TWFToggle wireframe mode
TAIToggle AI
TGToggle Grass
TTToggle trees
player.setAV <Ability/attribute> <#>Increase (Or decrease) Ability or Attribute
player.additem <Form ID> <amount>Gives the player the given item and amount of the item.
ShowBirthSignMenuShow the sign selection screen
ShowRaceMenuShow the name/race/appearance selection screen
ShowClassMenuShow the class selection screen
SetPCFamegives you fame
SetPCInfamygives you infamy
TFOWToggles fog of war that hides the map
FOV #Change the angle of your point of view (default is 75)
player.setcrimegold 0Removes Bounty on your head. NOTE: If being chased by city guards, you must leave the city and go back for it to work on them.
PlaceAtMe <formid>, <number of spawns>,<x>,<y>spawns a npc or item or creature where you put the cords in this recuires a ref.
coc toddtestTeleports player to developer testing grounds.
player.payfineGuards stop attacking you and bounty is paid off.
resurrectResurrect targeted monster/human.
player.removeitem <FormID> <#>Removes any item
player.removespell <FormID>Removes specified spell
hairtint (red/green/blue)Change player hair colour
helpList console commands
lock [1-100]Lock selected door or container
showfullquestlog [quest id]Show all log entries for indicated quest
showquestlogShow quest log
showquestlog 0Show current quest log
showquestlog 1Show completed quest log
showquesttargetsShow current quest targets
twsToggle water
pov [#]Set point of view angle (75 by default)
savegame [filename]Save game
setcamerafov [degrees]Set camera field of view (75 by default)
setscale numberMakes objects change size. Click on object to enlarge or make smaller then enter cheat. Number ranges from .5 to 2. 1 is normal size.
coc testinghallTeleports player to an area with all objects, monsters, and NPCs in-game.
player.setstage <QuestID> <Stage>Advances specific quest to specified stage
player.completequest <FormID>Removes active quest specified (doesn't complete it)
stopcombatImmediately stops the combat of the selected friend/foe.
player.placeatme <Form ID>Summon a NPC at your current location
twrToggles Water Radius
set timescale to <number>Set the speed at which time flows, 30 is default and 1.0 is real-time.
drop <form id> amountdrops the item
equipitem <form id>equips the item
PCBPurge cell buffer. This will free up used memory, often times increasing fps after any given amount of time in game. Best used while in interior cells
ModDisposition ObjREF Amountmodifies actor's disposition towards ObjREF. Example: ModDisposition 014 -100 makes your target strongly dislike __ you __
GetPos Xshows target's X coordinate in the scene. Y and Z are also valid. Use Player.GetPos X or "014".GetPos X to find out where you are on the X-axis!
SetPos X Valueset target's X coordinate, i.e., move the target. Use Player.SetPos Z to train acrobatics. Be careful not to move something beyond your reach..
MoveTo ObjREFmove target to ObjREF. You might enlist 'frequently visited' ObjREFs for further fast-travel, or even create your own 'places' by dropping items..
SetAV AValue Amountset some ability or skill (AValue to be Marksman, LightArmor, etc.) Also not-so obvious values are: Aggression, Energy, Confidence, Responsibility..
SetAV Aggression 100target should attack anybody it doesn't like, without prompt
SetCrimeGold 2000set a bounty on actor's head. Use upon a character you want punished by guards. Also should be funny using it on town guards themselves.
StopCombatactor stops combat, hides its weapon. Actor will start again, if it finds proper targets.
SetItemValue Amount(should be used on items, not actors) Sets item's price
CreateFullActorCopycreate a fully identical copy of a target for some purpose. All attributes, spells, and items copy.
Player.CreateFullActorCopyplaces another "Yourself" near you. You even might test "yourself" in combat, but be careful with all those guilds stuff..
SetActorFullName "John Doe"change actor's name
DeleteFullActorCopyremoves selected target if it was a copy created with CreateFullActorCopy (Now, after you had plenty fun with your replica, it's time to release it)
DuplicateAllItems DestinationObjREFcopy items from target actor (or chest or other container) into object referenced by DestinationObjREF.
RemoveAllItemsremove all items from target. Use Player.RemoveAllItems to strip off any stolen and not stolen goods from yourself.
PRID Playerselect yourself as a target. In theory, one can also select other named objects, but for now other names are unknown.
Look ObjREFtarget looks towards referenced object
StopLooktarget stops looking (this is to cancel any previous Look cheat)
Drop TypeREF Amountan item of given type drops out from selected target's inventory. Item is treated owned by target, so you will steal it on picking up
UnEquipItem TypeREFtarget deactivates an item of given type (may be used to disarm or undress target).
SetBarterGold Amountsets amount of gold a merchant has for trade. (don't forget to first select any merchant as a target :J)
ShowSpellMakingForces up spell creation screen
KillallKills Everything Where You Are (If You Are In A Town Outside It Kills Everything Outside)
lock [value]Lock a door
tmm 1Shows all map markers
setweight XXXSets the item's weight to XXX
Player.killKills yourself

 Unlock Print Screen (PRTSCN) button

There is a setting in the INI file:
change to:
Also, two related items for the screenshots:
There are two INIs, one in the game folder called "Oblivion_default.ini", this is the one it uses to generate the REAL one....
My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini
Edit the first one if you want to default to having screenshots on by default for all users. The settings it uses at runtime are the ones from My Documents folder.
After you mod the INI file, you can press PRTSCN button and Oblivion will write a BMP file to your game folder.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Secrets

Need a spot to hold all that extra gear? Use your horse!

First you must complete the Dark Brotherhood quests up until you receive Shadowmare as a reward. Shadowmare is special in that he cannot be killed (only knocked unconscious). Knock Shadowmare unconscious (you don’t need to be quick about it, he won’t fight back). As soon as he drops, you are given the option to access his body via the spacebar. Open him up and dump your extra junk into him (open him then go to your inventory button and single click items to move them over). Shadowmare will pop back up after a few seconds, and you’ll both be good to go.
Whenever you need to access your gear, simply knock him out again. I’ve used this trick for a while, and it appears that Shadowmare has no weight limit, and items remain forever. This trick won’t work on normal horses because they die (and ~ resurrect clears their inventory).
Sometimes after Shadowmare wakes up, he begins to slowly walk away, to stop this, jump on him and quick transport to a location; this fixes him. Also, be careful not to get onto a regular horse, this messes up your “tie” to Shadowmare, and is a good way to accidentally lose him (not sure where he defaults to).

  • Infinite Money Trick 2 (Pre-patch)

  • First, goto the Imperial City Talos Plaza District. Then, open your map (the one that shows the names of all the buildings in your current location), and find Dorian's house. Go inside his house and bribe him all the money you can, then make him upset by making disposition going down by playing the disposition mini game, and repeat the bribing process. Once you've bribed him a good amount of money, such as 1000 Gold, kill him as fast as you can.
    A good way to kill him without allowing him to run away is to push him in the other room and stand in the doorway while attacking him. After he's dead, goto his body and keep clicking on his gold. DO NOT select "Take All" as it will ruin the glitch, just keep clicking his gold. You'll get the amount of gold he has on his body every time you click it, and he will never run out of it.
  • Infinite Money 3 (Vampire cure quest)

    (Origional release version)
    At the very end of the quest to cure Vampirism, the count of Skingrad (the last person talked to in the quest) will reward you (if you are a full vampire, or not) with 1,000 gold (or more depending on your level).
    If you continue again to click on the message that asks about a reward, he will keep giving 1,000 gold.
  • Item Duplication (Pre-patch)

    First you need a bow, some arrows, and the item you wish to duplicate. Using this will allow you to duplicate as many items as the number of items in your quiver.
    First take out your bow and equip some arrows. Pull back the arrow but do not fire it. Press tab and double click on the arrows you currently have equiped. Then shift click the item you wish to duplicate. Once you exit out the menu the item would drop but it will be the same amount of items as your arrow. To better help yourself duplicate things it is advised to have a couple of the item you wish to duplicate so that you can pick them up faster if you have a ton of arrows. This trick works well with things that weigh very little but are great in value such as soul gems and jewelry.
  • Permanent +50 to Acrobatics (Springheel Jack glitch)

    First you need to get the Thieves Guild quest "Boots of Springheel Jack" and complete the majority of the quest, retrieving the Boots. Do not, however, return the boots to the Grey Fox.
    Upon obtaining the Boots, equip them to get a +50 Acrobatics bonus, then travel to the Shrine of Sanguine and begin the Daedric Quest there. Follow through that quest, and allow yourself to be arrested by Leyawiin guards when they try. All your possesions will be taken, except for key items (which include the Boots).
    Stay your time in jail, and upon exiting, check your inventory. You should still possess the boots, but when you try to equip them the game will tell you "You cannot equip this item at this time". However, if you check your current enhancements, the +50 to Acrobatics will still be there! You can now wear other footwear, but still have the bonus from the Boots of Springheel Jack!

Enjoy :)

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