Rome Total War Cheat Codes, Rome Total War Download Trainer +3


Rome Total War Cheat Codes adn Trainer PC Games. 

Codes for non-general characters, ie spies, assassins, diplomats

During the game, press the (`) key, right above the tab, to bring down "RomeShell" the cheat menu, and type in the code... note: the system is very finicky about typos, so make sure everything is right.

Cheat Effect
give_trait "character name" "GoodSpy" 1-5 gives any character between 1-5 subterfuge- works on assassins too
give_trait "character name" "GoodAssassin" 1-5 gives any character between 1-5 subterfuge- works on spies too
give_trait "character name" "GoodDiplomat" 1-5 gives any character between 1-5 influence- may or may not work on generals
give_ancillary "character name" "catamite" gives a spy or assassin this ancillary= +1 subterfuge
give_ancillary "character name" "courtesan" gives a spy or assassin this ancillary= +1 subterfuge

Console Cheat Codes

Press the tilde (~) key and enter these codes to use them. All codes are case sensitive. Make sure to capitalize family member names, settlement names, and anything else that needs capitalizing or else it will likely to not work. All codes have a limited use if you are using patch 1.2 or lower. If you use patch 1.3 or higher you may have infinte uses. If you have patch 1.2 and wish to use a specific code again you need to exit the program and restart it.

Password Effect
auto_win "attacker/defender" When at the battle scroll, input this code in, attacker if attacking, defender if defending and press auto retaliate button. Automatically wins.
toggle_fow Toggles on or off the fog of war. You can see the whole world map when inputted.
add_money "amount" Gives you the specific amount of denarii you want. Max amount of 40000.
add_population "settlement name" "amount" Allows you to give a city more population automatically. Max amount is 4000.
process_cq "settlement name" Anything in the city's building queue will be built automatically.
give_trait "character" "trait" "level number" Allows you to give any trait your faction can have to a specific general.
<command> ? Display help for listed command
list_traits Lists all traits
move_character <name> <x,y> Moves indicated character to specified coordinates
force_diplomacy <accept/decline/off> Forces opponent to accept diplomatic proposal
date <year> Changes year
kill_character <character> Kills specified character
season <summer/winter> Changes season
capture_settlement <city name> Captures indicated city
display toggle_tow Toggles tabbed output window
toggle_restrictcam Toggles camera restrictions
give_ancillary <character> <ancillary> Gives indicated character the indicated ancillary
character_reset Resets character to settings at start of turn
show_cursorstat Shows cursor position and region ID
toggle_terrain Toggles terrain to display various data sets
give_trait_points Gives character trait points
list_ancillaries Lists available ancillaries
mp <value> Gives character movement points
list_characters Lists all character in the world
show_landings Shows landing positions available to AI from a given region
filter_coastlines Applys filter to world map coastlines
toggle_coastlines Toggles strategy map coastline display
set_building_health <value> Sets health of building of specifed type in a settlement
ai_turn_speed <value> Sets max speed of turn processing during AI round
amdb_min <value> Sets aerial map overlay depth bias for minimum zoom
amdb_max <value> Sets aerial map overlay depth bias for maximum zoom
amdb_offset <value> Sets aerial map overlay offset towards camera
zoom <value> Zooms to specified aerial map zoom
regenerate_radar Regenerates radar
adjust_sea_bed <value> Adjusts sea bed to specified height
reload_shaders Reloads all vertex shaders
reload_textures Reloads all textures
toggle_perfect_spy Toggles everyone's spying ability to perfect with infinite range
building_debug Toggles building's debug mode
reset_display Forces display reset cycle
toggle_underlay Toggles underlay
toggle_overlay Toggles overlay
diplomatic_stance <value> Sets diplomatic stance between two factions
show_terrain_lines Displays defensive terrain features
clear_messages Clears all stacked messages
toggle_flowing_water Toggles display of campaign map flowing water
nw_stats Toggles display of network stats
toggle_pr Toggles PR mode
list_units Lists all units in an army
victory Shows victory message for faction for short or long campaign
trigger_advice Triggers advice
upgrade_effect Triggers unit upgrade effect
force_battle_victory Forces local player's alliance to win the battle
force_battle_defeat Forces local player's alliance to lose the battle
show_battle_paths Shows all valid processed paths in pathfinder
show_battle_street_plan Shows street plan for the settlement
kill_faction <value> Removes faction from the game
diplomacy_mission Creates diplomacy mission
control <value> Switches player control to specified faction
run_ai Restarts an AI turn sequence
oliphaunt Create a unit of Yubtseb Elephants
Jericho Enemy's walls collapse.
create_building "city" "building name" Creates a building in the named city.
disable_ai Turns off both enemy and ally AI
invulnerable_general "general's name" Make the general invulnerable, may only work on battlefield
create_unit "general's name" "unit name" "#" Add units to selected general. Example "create_unit "Gaius Julius" "roman velite" 2 "
give_trait "General/FamilyMember" "Trait" "Level" gives a general/family member a trait instantly
create_unit "Settlement/Unit" "unit name" "Amount" "experience" "defences" "attack" creates unit in a place or unit instantly with experiences/defence/attack if put
process_cq "CityName" Completes the construction instantly of any town/city

Unlocking and editing features.

There are some features you can add or edit by going to your Rome Total War folder. (Default: C:\Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War). Click on the word document named Preference.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Widescreen Next to the words USE_WIDESCREEN change FALSE to TRUE
Subtitles Next to the word SUBTITLES change FALSE to TRUE
Remove Morale Next to the word MORALE change TRUE to FALSE
Remove Fatigue Next to the word FATIGUE change TRUE to FALSE
Unlimited Ammo Next to the words LIMITED_AMMO change TRUE to FALSE
Turn off Fog of War Next to the words FOG_OF_WAR change TRUE to FALSE
Unrestricted Camera Next to the words RESTRICT_CAMERA change TRUE to FALSE
Remove Cutscenes Next to the words EVENT_CUTSCENES change TRUE to FALSE
Remove the Auto Save Next to the words AUTO_SAVE change TRUE to FALSE
Remove Unit Banners Next to the words SHOW_BANNERS change TRUE to FALSE
Chane Unit Size Next to the words UNIT_SIZE change the number to either 20(Small), 40(Normal), 80(Large), or 160(Huge)
Change the User Interface Next to the words MINIMAL_UI change FALSE to TRUE
Skip the Prologue Next to the words FIRST_TIME_PLAY change TRUE to FALSE
Turn off the Advisor Next to the words MUTE_ADVISOR change FALSE to TRUE, and next to BLIND_ADVISOR change FALSE to TRUE
Turn off Unit Arrow Markers Next to the words DISABLE_ARROW_MARKERS change FALSE to TRUE

Beat the Game unlock NEW starting Nations

Beat the game in a full Campaign (50 nations and Take out SPQR) to Unlock New Starting Nations
Unlockable How to Unlock
German Beat game
Egypt Beat Game
Sluicid Beat Game
Spain Beat Game
Gaul Beat Game

Rome: Total War Secrets

HUGE amount of Denari

Go to
<your directory>\Data\world\maps\campaign\imperial_campaign

Then open the text file &quot;descr_strat&quot;.
Go all the way down till you see (Heres what it should look like) it shouldn't take long. Then just edit the denari you want to have say from 5000 to 999999 (Most i've done) on your selected faction and then close the file run the game and when you play Imperial Campaign you should have the selected amount of Denari
; &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; start of factions section &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
faction romans_julii, comfortable caesar
denari 5000

Download Trainer Rome Total War
Rome Total War Trainer +3 Download (Wait 5 sec, skip add, download !)

See Also Free download game Monopoly here & Now and cheat NFS Carbon
 Enjoy :)   

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